Thursday, May 20, 2010

Middle Of May and already slacking off ;)

And I don't have the excuse of not having anything to write about either.

The month started off with a breakfast at the Golden Corral with fellow geocachers. This event was to celebrate's 10 year anniversary. It was a pretty impressive event with about 70 or so geocachers in attendance. At the event there was food, fellowship, prizes, and a table of trackables (travel bugs and coins) that people wanted to have others discover or move on. It was great meeting people who I had only previously met online in the forums and on Facebook. We hung out with the gang for a couple of hours and then spent a couple of hours at Carowinds, the local amusement park.

Two weeks later, we went to our first Flash Mob event at McDowell Park/Nature Preserve. A Flash Mob is an event that takes place in turbo mode. You find the location, sign the log, hang out for a few minutes, take a group picture, and then disperse as quick as you got there. This event is abbreviated WWFM (World-Wide Flash Mob) and happens every year on the same day in many places all over the world. We grabbed another cache at this park and then headed home.

I also found a very nice spot by Birkdale Village in search of a cache called "Green Troll". This was an amazing and peaceful location about a 5 minute walk from the busy Birkdale Village shopping center. This is one of the things that I find so fun about geocaching. One minute you can be somewhere bustling with activity and minutes later you are on a trail or greenway that seems so untouched.

The local geocaching community GCGC (Greater Charlotte Geocaching Club) has actually participated in the Sponsor A Road/Highway program. We now have two signs by some roadway in Charlotte that we have adopted and agreed to help keep clean. There is a CITO event next month in which the GCGC is planning on doing just that. If I am able to attend I will post the pictures for that when we do so.

Well that is all for now. Enjoy the pictures....